
What is Fear of Failure really

What is Fear of Failure really We hear about Fear of Failure

But do we really know what it is?

I just heard a great Periscope from Ray Higdon and he really nailed it!

Fear of failure isn't really fear of failing.

Heck we all fail, maybe every day. Does everything always go perfectly for you, it sure doesn't for me. We are imperfect beings, we are human, and we should celebrate that.

There may be people who do not fail, but I would expect that they do no attempt much, more focused on not failing than actually accomplishing something significant.

If Thomas Edison can fail - whoops - discover 10,000 ways that don't work to use electricity, don't you think that you and I can be allowed to fail sometimes?

If it's not really "fear of failure", what is it?

Hold on to your hats, this is good - it is not wanting to be seen failing.

That's right, we are more afraid of someone's opinion of us than we are about accomplishing something.

But what about the people who succeed greatly? They probably first failed greatly, and they persevered, so obviously they weren't paralyzed by the fear of appearing stupid through failure.

But how can ignore the opinions of other when I fail?

I personally am more worried of the opinion of my Lord than I am of others, wanting to hear "well done of good and faithful servant". If you are unfamiliar, you can learn more here Matthew 25:14-30 The Story of the Talents

Success starts outside of your comfort zone, so take a chance and do something significant, without being worried about what others may think (a tiny secret - they don't thing about you that much anyways).

So let's lock arms together and move forward to change the world, or as Steve Jobs said, let's put a dent in the universe.

So toss fear of failure into the back seat, let's go do what we know we should do, making our life better, make the lives of others better, and put worrying about the opinions of others behind us.

You and I were created for greatness, so let's go and create some greatness today!

God bless,


Ron McLean, the Dream Roper, helping YOU Lasso Your Dreams
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