
What happens if no party gets a majority in the General Election?

What happens if no party gets a majority in the General Election? It's the nightmare scenario that every political party is dreading tomorrow when voters go to the polls.  What happens if there's no majority in the General Election?  Boris Johnson called the snap general election in a bid to end what he described as a 'zombie Parliament', with frustration that the government could not get legislation through the Commons.  Particularly on Brexit.  The main parties - both Conservative and Labour - are hoping to win enough seats so that they can form a majority government, which would give them more control over legislation and shaping their vision for the nation.  With 650 seats in the House of Commons, the main parties need an outright majority of 326 MPs in order to have a majority.  Not all MPs sit, though.  There were the seven Sinn Fein MPs elected in 2017 who refuse to take their seats. Read more of today's top stories  If an election does not return a majority for either the Conservatives or Labour, then Britain is left with a hung Parliament.  In this case, the person who was Prime Minister before the election - so Boris Johnson - stays on.  Then he has the option of attempting to form a coalition government with at least one other party.  Or he could attempt to form a minority government with a confidence and supply agreement when another party lends support on key votes.  Another option is to have a minority administration with no formal support set up.  A fourth possibility is that Boris Johnson could choose to resign, giving the opposition an opportunity to form a government - potentially via a coalition.  In the 2017 general election, there was a hung Parliament when the Conservatives won 318 seats. As such, the party entered into a confidence and supply arrangement with the Democratic Unionist Party, which had 10 MPs.  This allowed it to be able to govern.  Before Parliament was dissolved, there were 298 Conservatives, 243 Labour MPs, 35 SNP, 23 Independents, 21 Liberal Democrats, 10 DUP, 7 Sinn Fein, 5 Independent Group For Change, 4 Plaid Cymru, 1 Green Party, 1 Speaker and 2 Vacant.  The number of Conservative MPs had reduced as some had defected to other parties or others had the whip withdrawn for their rebellion over Brexit.  What is certain about tomorrow's election is that nothing is certain.

General election,Boris Johnson,Conservative Party,Green Party,Labour Party,Liberal Democrats,Brexit,Politics,

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