
Standard Language Characteristics | Standard English Features and Use | Standard English Varieties

Standard Language Characteristics | Standard English Features and Use | Standard English Varieties The variety of a language treated as the official language and used in public broadcasting, publishing and education. As we know that most of the languages have different varieties, among these varieties, a variety is selected to be used at official level, in educational institutions, public broadcasting, etc, this is ‘The Standard Language’ among many different varieties.
This definition applies for ever major language of the world or every language which may have more than one varieties and it is in documented form.

Characteristics of a Standard Language:
It is an idealized variety of a language.
It has no specific region.

It is associated with administrative, commercial and educational centres, regardless of region.

It is well documented

Most of the times dictionaries are based on standard variety of a language.

Characteristics of Standard English:
It is the version we find in printed English in newspapers, books and the mass media.

It is clearly associated with education and broadcasting in public contexts.
It is more easily described in terms of features associated with the written language (i.e. vocabulary, spelling, grammar) than the spoken language.

It is the variety used in most works of fiction, in scientific and other technical articles.

It is the variety we normally try to teach to those who want to learn English as a second or foreign language.

In the United States, we can refer this variety of English more specifically to Standard American English (North American English) or, in Britain, to Standard British English. (Yule, 2017, The Study of Language)
In other parts of the world, we can talk about other recognized varieties such as:

Standard Australian English

Standard Canadian English

Standard Indian English

Similarly we find more standard varieties like:

New Zealand English

Scottish English

Welsh English

South African English.


Language History and Change:

Written Language:

Discourse Analysis:



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