
Proof This Is A Direct Link To Programme Challenger Rebekah Sutcliffe

Proof This Is A Direct Link To Programme Challenger Rebekah Sutcliffe It Seems Since Rebekah Sutcliffe Has Quit The Police Force And The Evil Bitch Ring Leader CID Leigh Police Station Is Very Jealous Of Rebekah Sutcliffe As The Evil Bitch Ring Leader CID Leigh Police Station Has Had A Mother And A Son Shot In The Knee Caps As The Public Sat Back And Laughed Their Heads Off Because Chief Constable Ian Hopkins Wanted Rebekah Sutcliffe Out Of The Job. Since Rebekah Sutcliffe Joined The Force In The Year 1993 Ian Hopkins Has Had The Evil Bitch Ring Leader CID Leigh Police Station To Mess Everything Up For Rebekah Sutcliffe Because Rebekah Sutcliffe's Past Family Are Vicars And Rebekah Sutcliffe Is A Vicars Daughter So Ian Hopkins As he Is A Original Police Officer With Family in The Police Before Him Then This Is Where The Bullying Starts From And 22 Police Officers Haven't Got Police History As They Came From Council Estate Backgrounds


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