
Let's talk basics - Putting together MDF kits (Part Two)

Let's talk basics - Putting together MDF kits (Part Two) We all started somewhere, and it wasn't that long ago for me, and so I am keen to put a load of content out for those of you who aren't experienced and maybe are a little nervous about some of the processes and techniques that we talk about sometimes with the presumption that this is "just known".

This will be a long ongoing series as I come across simple things I'm doing without thinking.

First of all - MDF kits. I waited months, and I mean months, being nervous before starting my first kit and finding out by trial, error and other YouTube channels, just how easy they are. In this, the second in a multi-part series about MDF kits, I demonstrate two techniques for adding pop to your MDF kits.

If you are interested in making wargaming terrain for Warhammer, Age of Sigmar, Middle Earth SBG, 40k or even modern day games, this is the place for you.

The music over the intro to this video is my own, created in collaboration with a group of outstanding musicians in Reading, UK, who called ourselves Pooky.

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