
Freemasons are generally well meaning, coopted – Alex Jones

Freemasons are generally well meaning, coopted – Alex Jones And by the way, a circle has 360 degrees, not 33. That means a 33rd degree mason is essentially a low level manager in the general synarchic structure of which masonry is just a part.

Also, if you're in the 33 step sub-structure, you don't really know what that part of the general edifice is all about unless you read "Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry", by Albert Pike, who was 'pope' for the Scottish Rite and beyond, during the mid 19th century.

Oh, and do you know what Pike did in his life? If you truly are just and honest, you ought to check into it. And you should also take care so you aren't used by people like Albert Pike, for purposes similar to the ones he tended to have.


A classic Alex Jones audio, still very much up to date.

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