
Crack on! Starting out in Armouring. Talking Head #2

Crack on! Starting out in Armouring. Talking Head #2 I'm not about to spam the channel with these talking head posts, I just did two back to back to make it simpler for me.

This one is about getting started as well. A good friend of mine who created a number of the typefaces we likely use daily once told someone who wanted to be an artist that all they needed, to get started, was a pencil and some paper rather than spending a fortune on tools and equipment that they will likely never use as their skill increases. It pretty much sums up this video.

If you want to start something, it's been my experience that you just need to pick up and make a start, they'll never be a right time, just crack on and see how you go.

Hope this helps and doesn't wander too much. Come for the advice and stay for my fantastic knife making abilities.

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