
4 Principles for a God-Centered Relationship

4 Principles for a God-Centered Relationship Music by Deonte Wilson
4 principles to put God first in your relationship.

1. Strengthen your own relationship with GOD

It’s difficult to love when you are broken, strengthen your relationship with God, get intimate with God and that will help you build a foundation, give you the right guidance and motives in your relationship. When you have a relationship with God, whatsoever happens in your other relationships you will depend on God to help you through, because the bible teaches us to not lean on our own understanding but to trust in the Lord with all our hearts. (Proverbs 3: 5-6)

2. Help each other grow their relationship with GOD, Serve God together… Accountability

Create a foundation upon the word of GOD, when helping each other grow in the word, that helps create a permanent foundation. Having a relationship based on the truth, on the word of God, such relationship will last because God is in it. Psalm 127 teaches us that unless the Lord Builds the house, its builders labor in vain, do not let the enemy make you believe that you can build your relationship without God’s truth, and that you do not need God to help you in your relationship, that is the recipe for trouble, divorce and unhappiness, that is a work in vain. Let go and let GOD be the foundation of your relationship, by holding each other accountable in your relationship everything you do words will always be pleasing to GOD, and both parties will be quick to forgive, because if you hold the word of GOD in your heart, it will become harder to sin and not to love each other.

3. Apply 1 Corinthians 13 in your relationship, Treat each other with love

Treat each other with love, by applying 1 Corinthians 13 into your relationship, in this passage there is a lot that we can learn from true love. Its characteristics and all that it contains. Two is better than one, Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.

4. Study God’s word together and seek guidance (Look for the counsel of spiritually mature individuals.) From God-fearing people, two are better than one. And hold each other accountable.


Do Godly things together

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