
16 microhabits to implement in 2020

16 microhabits to implement in 2020 Sign up for CuriosityStream & Nebula and start learning today:

Microhabits act like the compound interest of self development. Frequency matters more than intensity and microhabits are particularly easy to follow consistently. They have no direct impact in your life but in the long term, they’re what provides the biggest change in your life. Here are the micro habits I followed or implemented in 2019 and that I recognize that now, in December, made a profound change in my health and my mindset.

- [x] Climbing the stairs instead of using the elevator
- [x] Putting my phone out of hand’s reach to stop me from snoozing my phone
- [x] Deleting social media apps from my phone
- [x] having a bottle of water always nearby
- [x] Embracing nature a little bit more
- [ ] walking in the morning
- [x] simplifying planning routine
- [x] 10 minutes of Duolingo a day
- [x] tracking my reading progress
- [x] only buying a new book after finishing the ones that I have read
- [x] paying all of my bills in the same day
- [x] always carry some fruit
- [x] scheduling gym classes to make sure I go
- [x] opening the windows in the morning
- [x] restrict the amount of Netflix I allow myself to watch a day
- [x] Avoid coffee in the weekends

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