
The Problems of Wearing Glasses (With a song at the end yay)

The Problems of Wearing Glasses (With a song at the end yay) Yay another video whoo
I really hope I don’t get copyrighted for using that Queen song
(Exclaimer: Most of this video is exaggerated)

Lyrics to song:

Glasses, they help us to see.
Help us cure our disability.
However, there are some circumstances
Where it really sucks just to where these silly glasses

Wake up in the morning give your glasses a nice clean
You’ve run out of spray, why is life so mean
Go say hi to your dog he’s really happy
He licks the lenses, now the lenses are crappy
Gotta take a shower make the shower hotter
Forgot to take off my glasses, now they’re covered in water.
Man this day how’my gonna surpass it
When I have to wear these stupid glasses

Glasses, they help us to see.
Help us cure our disability.
However, there are some circumstances
Where it really sucks just to where these silly glasses
Glasses, they’re out of control
I would rather walk on a stack of hot coal
How am I gonna survive my classes
When I have to wear these stupid glasses

And now I’m at school, this ain’t so bad.
All my friends are here they are great lads
Something is suspicious, there is peace at last
Anyway now it’s time to head down to class.
Copying off the notes the teacher wrote down
There’s a smudge on my glasses that’s making me frown
So I take them off to give em a wipe
But my uniform isn’t the right cloth type
Now I sit there sweaty, nervous and blind
While the teacher writes the notes and I’m falling behind
I wipe harder and harder but the dirt won’t come off
Wow I’m in a great situation (cough cough cough)
HPE? You get hit by a ball.
Lying down? That’s Impossible
You can’t drink hot drinks cause steam goes onto your face
Fricking glasses you’re a big disgrace
When a classmate sees you without your glasses on
And they say “hEy hOw MaNy FiNgErS aM I HoLdInG uP?”
Relatives they won’t leave me alone telling me
“You’re wearing glasses because of that stupid phone”

Wake up in the morning give your glasses a nice clean
You’ve run out of spray, why is life so mean
Go say hi to your dog he’s really happy
He licks the lenses, now the lenses are crappy
Gotta take a shower make the shower hotter
Forgot to take off my glasses, now they’re covered in water.
Man this day how’my gonna surpass it
When I have to wear these stupid glasses


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