
Event location change!


Due to extenuating circumstances outside of my control, the location for the event this weekend has been moved from Ares Firearms Training Facility in Leesburg, FL to a private range I film on for my YouTube channel at 17261 Lake iola Rd, Dade City, FL 33523

This new location is less than one hour south from Leesburg and is located right off of the interstate! You don’t need to worry about changing lodging for the event. Just get to town, book-in your hotel, and leave a tad earlier on Saturday Morning to drive to the new event location. The vendors are all on board and working with us through this last minute and unforeseen shift. They will be there along with Porto-Potties, Food Trucks, Music, DJ, Raffles, and all the fun you’ve come to expect from my events.

I’ve been planning and hosting successful shoots for 6+ years now. Everything from the shipping logistics with the vendors, to the vendors themselves, the media, food trucks, marketing, event supplies, the thousands of special request PM’s I get leading up to the event from the attending public and I’ve never had this many issues with a venue until now. I got news of this change less than 48hrs ago and had to activate my contingency plan range location, contact every vendor, contact every media company, move the steel and ammo pallets to the new location etc. I refuse to lay down and let the anti-gunners win, this event goes on for you, the vendors, the media and every shooter looking forward to demoing and learning all they can!

I hope ALL of you stick with us, unite, and head down to the new event location on Saturday to join us. We are strength in numbers and we must show the extreme left that no matter what they do to us, we will continue to educate on the safe use and handling of firearms. Through educational videos, shooting events, you name it.

I’m a one-man show, juggling this unforeseen circumstance, and I would greatly appreciate any shred of leniency from any inconvenience this move has caused you. It was either move the event or cancel it altogether and that was NOT an option.

And don’t miss out, this is most likely my last event for the foreseeable future due to the stress it puts on my family and me. So make sure to come out, have fun, demo some cool gear, hopefully win some prizes and be apart of possibly my last event.

You must RSVP at to attend. Head to the website and you’ll see the RSVP form at the bottom, it’s quick and free. If you have already RSVP’d then just head to the event like normal, nothing more to do! I hope to see all the familiar and new faces alike on Saturday!

NFA Review


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