
Targeted individuals so you're awakened and acting like your not awakened ? They know!

Targeted individuals so you're awakened and acting like your not awakened ? They know! Warriors we cannot use the matrix's gadgets and act like we don't know. Its their system go against it and smile.

#awaken #ice #jugular #matrixprogram #targeting #surviving #divinesource
#prisoners #innocent #tilife

el๐Ÿ’ฅMATRIX SPELL DEPLETED 2018๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŽ†Here by force not by will๐Ÿ™๐ŸฝI was asked to come forward & share my life story with the public. I am spiritual kinetic warrioress, universe crystal child, highly intuitive Empath who has lived a life that was not mine & survived it! I am to learn & bring awareness towards the life we all call the “sex business” and the matrix spy. I am not proud of my past but here to accept the backlash or listening eye. I have witnessed many near death experiences & have lost great friends from drug addictions.These tragic events has strengthen me & it is a must to help others who are in the need of the same sense of direction. I am to leave my trace to incorporate new ways against the Matrix fate! As the spells break I will release decoded solutions that my angels guide me to tell. All mirages and demon oracles will be demolished. To be different you must be an outcast!


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