
Gosani Jatra ---- The colorful festival of Puri

Gosani Jatra ---- The colorful festival of Puri Among
the fairs and festivals of Sakti pantheon, 'Durga
Puja' is one of the important colourful festivals. In the city of Lord Jagannatha, Puri, the festival of

'Durga Puja' is called as 'Gosani Jatra'. In this
festival, several big clay idols of

Mahisamardini Durga are worshipped every year. Peculairly here
this clay idols are worshipped as 'Gosani'. It is to
note that, this 'Gosani Jatra' is an indigenous
cultural trait of the city of Puri. Because in this
festival no such outer influence could be seen in
the tradition of the worships clay model of the
images, decoration, colour application, postures


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