
12 Ways Men Can Live Longer

12 Ways Men Can Live Longer Women generally live longer than men. The life expectancy for women at birth is 82.9 years and for men, it’s 79.2 years. It may not seem like a large gap, but living an extra three years is a big difference. With that said, it’s time for men to take a course of action. Today, we will be providing you with ways men can live longer.

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1. Strong Social Network. Having a lot of friends might not seem important, or at least that’s what your mother might have told you, but it can actually help you live longer.

2. Marriage: We know what you’re thinking, how can marriage, which is associated with hard work and stress, make a man live longer? Well for starters, it depends on the age you get married.
3. Having Children: Becoming a father is a blessing, but it also requires dedication and hard work. According to a study in the JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY AND COMMUNITY HEALTH, having kids may also help a man live longer.

4. Responsibility: Being responsible will not only keep you out of trouble but can do wonders for your cognitive function which can help with your longevity.

5. Reduce Blood Pressure: A study done at the ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH tells us that the main causes of death for men are heart disease, cancer and a stroke.

6. Have Some Wine: Statistics already show that having a glass of wine is beneficial to the heart. But now there is research that indicates what wine can do in terms of life expectancy.

7. Quit Smoking: Quitting smoking is one, if not the hardest habit to shake in the world. For some men, they need a reason to quit. Here’s a good reason; if you are a smoker and manage to quit by age 40, it will reduce the risk of you dying from smoking-related diseases by 90%, says the CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION. So if you’re a man who smokes and you want to reduce your risk of dying, quit now.

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