I honestly thought John Bolton would be taken out of the White House in a box, left horizontal at Church. And then ofcourse go to hell. With his moustache lowered at half mast!
The guys been around for ages, he was there during the Bush administration and he returned at the Trump administration, years later.
"I informed John Bolton last night that his services are no longer needed at the White House," Trump wrote. "I disagreed strongly with many of his suggestions, as did others in the Administration, and therefore ... I asked John for his resignation, which was given to me this morning. I thank John very much for his service."
John Bolton offered a conflicting account on Twitter minutes after Trump's posts. "I offered to resign last night and President Trump said, 'Let's talk about it tomorrow,'" he wrote online.
Isn't it interesting how these tweets were well corrolated? Coming one after another, from Trump to Bolton around the same time? It's obviously staged!!! Wake up people!
We even got to see a copy of John Boltons resignation letter, which was merely two lines! Apparently hinting at John Boltons anger! You can believe this if you want, but I think it's all a pile of horse dung! It's a show! Bolton's gone, but it won't make any difference at all whatsoever, it's not the first time he's left, he did this back during the Bush regime!
The news supposedly caught many at the trump regime off guard. Shortly before Trump’s tweets, the White House had announced that Bolton would appear at a briefing later with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin. The two Cabinet secretaries, both of whom had their own frustrations with Bolton, appeared together, and in good spirits. They don't look shocked! These are two bad actors!
So the question right now is, will America's diplomacy be delivered in North Korea? North Korea was another issue upon which Bolton and Trump disagreed.
US officials have said it was Bolton who was responsible for the collapse of a summit in February between Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in Hanoi by recommending a list of hardline demands that Kim rejected.
Bolton was a main player during the June 2019 workshop in Bahrain, a country run by Ziopig leadership, during which the US discussed the economic part of its proposals for solving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The Palestinian leadership boycotted that workshop, saying the US and effectively Bahrain Ziopig leadership cannot be an honest peace broker.
Bolton had opposed a recent State Department plan to sign an Afghan peace deal with the Taliban, believing the group's leaders could not be trusted. That opposition pinned Bolton against Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.
Bolton advocated against Trump's decision last year to pull US troops out of Syria. Will this now change and leave the slaves of Ziopigs fragile?
Bolton advocated for hardline measures on Venezuela. The US backs opposition leader Juan Guaido, who invoked the constitution earlier this year and declared himself interim president, calling President Nicolas Maduro's 2018 reelection "illegitimate". Maduro accuses Guaido and the US of attempting a coup.
Bolton was a chief architect of Trump's strident stance against Iran, but there were apparent disagreements over Trump's willingness to possibly meet Iranian President Hassan Rouhani.
Only time will tell.. I'm not holding my breath.. As long as the hex symbole is on the dollar and their enterprise crowned by satan, the cosmic battle goes on!