📅$55 USD for a reading AND micro energy clearing/amplifcation OR extended read OR chakra clearing (1 chakra). Runs about 25 minutes. Please specify what service you would like in the note section when booking.
📅 💕💕💕 GET YOUR MASCULINE PACKAGE! 💕💕💕BEST VALUE! $127 USD for above $55 AND special bonuses to help you get into union and build a solid foundation along with video training on other aspects NECESSARY for union. If using the link it's service level 3.
👉 Twin Flame ebook to assist you in understanding who you are and the aspects of this journey to lead you to union. THIS IS CRUCIAL and it was my turning point with my DM and my bliss work. You want fast alignment? This is it!
👉All about Relationships & 3D, 4D & 5D
👉How to re start communication with your Twin Flame and how to communicate more effectively to help make union faster.
👉Inner Child Alignment
👉Heart Chakra & Calming The Reptilian Brain
👉Tips To Help Ease The Pull
👉Totality OF Why You Are A Twin Flame/Your Purpose
👉 And a lot more! I want you with your person!
👉How to build your YouTube channel fast, free, and organically
📅 Are you ready to step into your High Priestess self? Get the High Priestess Package, which includes the GYM materials PLUS 3 chakra sessions (7th, 6th, and 5th where the HP rules!). This is ONLY for those who are READY to shift things QUICKLY.
💵 Book services here: if you DO NOT have a postal code use 00000
*NOTE: all services & products are for spiritual growth, guidance & entertainment and are not intended to replace medical, legal & psychological treatments. * No refunds.
Need additional services? I recommend:
Divine Unisouls 11 To Lead Is To Be Divine Find out more at
Unspoken Truth2828 for business consultation Email: unspokentruth2828@gmail.com
Twin Flame Healer: 💕Discover what your inner child root /trigger is check description in her latest video for more info on her channel:
£50 For An Image Reading (you; not your DM) This is PERFECT if you are stuck. Want to know more? Check out the video: (check additional sessions on website) You can also book David, her Divine Masculine, if you would like someone to speak to you and help you through your inner child work. Details on her link.
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