
2 months Vegetarian and finally watched 'Cowspiracy' and 'What the Health' - Instant Manifesting

2 months Vegetarian and finally watched 'Cowspiracy' and 'What the Health' -  Instant Manifesting Just about 2 months in...being Vegetarian but now going Vegan after seeing these documentaries #whatthehealth they should have just called it what the hell!? Because it's some serious stuff! 😱 Also, saw #cowspiracy which is equally disturbing and informative. also, we are in a time of instant manifestation so be careful of your thoughts! Just passing on the info because I truly wish someone would have shared all of this with me when I was younger! Knowledge is power and wisdom will change your life! Good night💖♥️ #dazzlingrita that's me #happyandfree


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