
🧨 Cracker Time💣 Battle of the 😡🐦's, Small vs Large

🧨 Cracker Time💣 Battle of the 😡🐦's, Small vs Large Both BANG HARD!!! Both have reasons to get them. You get quite afew smalls in a pack, where as you only get 3 of the large in a pack. Neither have much weight to them. Unfortunately both can be pricey at some locations. I've seen them as high as 40$ a pack😱
The large is quite possibly one of the Loudest crackers not Pyro Made I've shot here!!! Yes a future battle with the large vs other large crackers will be coming 🧨💥😉💣😉💥🧨

Cracker Time,Firecrackers,Fireworks,Spanish Cracker,firecracker,1.4g,

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